Sally Churgel
"Torah of the Body" Series
We instinctively know that freedom comes from our ability to be a vessel of acceptance, to be
fully present when we desire and cultivate the habit of gratitude. Yet, often we don't how we
allow this or what we do to resist this innate ability.
During this experiential workshop, we will explore how the wisdom of source, as expressed in
our body, can be unlocked through movement processes, expanded perceptual states and hands-on
learning. Integrated Awareness processes teach us how we shape our lives from the inherent
language of our body, as well as, from our learned patterns of movement, thought and behavior.
This body-centered language can teach us how to be present and congruent: physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
This is the second of three workshops in this series. It is perfectly okay to attend the second
and/or third workshop in the series if you were not able to attend the first. The third workshop
is June 21st. The sub-theme for each workshop will change each month. The theme for May is:
The Body as Sacred Vessel
Dress for gentle floor movements.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:00-9:00pm (additional dates: June 21st)
Center for Integrated Awareness
170 Professional Center Drive
Rohnert Park, CA 95928-2144
(map it)
$18 per workshop session
To Register:
Call or email to register:
Phone: 707-217-7433
Reservation by Email: Click here
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