Sally Churgel
Introduction to Integrated Awareness
If I Only Had a Brain
Give Your Mind a Rest
The term mind and brain are often used interchangeably but they are distinct. The brain lives in the present and expresses through the body neurologically, in amazing Technicolor. The mind, expressing as rules, is black and white and distorts present time experience. Learning to rest the mind lets your brain function more fully proving you with more health and ease.
We will use micro-movements and expanded conciousness to explore our inner rules and inhibitions in order to open up to new possibilities. You will experience how the extraordinary contribution of enhanced perception and movement brings ease to your daily life.
You are encouraged to approach these classes with anticipation for real change to occur.
Dress for gentle floor movements
Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:00-9:00pm
Center for Integrated Awareness
170 Professional Center Drive
Rohnert Park, CA 95928-2144
(map it)
To Register:
Call or e*mail to register:
Phone: 707-217-7433
Reservation by E*mail: Click here
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