
I will not forgive
I can not forgive
A dry tear traces the arroyo
Down Grandmother’s cheek

Grandfather says
I can not bear the smell
Of autumn - the burning of
Already dead leaves

They both agree that
Six million murdered
Was more than one too many

I was not there
But the smoke has laid down
Genetic codes in my nostrils
Until everything smells acrid
I cradle their suffering in my womb

I had never seen the smokestack
Until one day as I stood on the edge
Of an apple orchard in
Pleasant Hill cemetery it
Belched a thick smoke

Then smokestacks were everywhere
Chimneys and water towers
The crown of redwood trees

Why? I wailed but the fine ash
From their bones filled my ears
Silencing the answer

“I am here
I have always been here
I am the smokestack
I am the mortar and the brick
The fire the smoke
The ash”

The white words fall like apple
Blossoms around my ears
Lay down a path before my feet

- Sally Churgel

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