Serendipity or manifesting?..... How many of you know the difference? I don't - at least not consistently.
A few days ago I found out that I'm going to Cuba in two weeks. That's big time manifesting!! I'm really excited. And grateful. I don't care that it isn't quite what I thought I was manifesting - but more on that in a minute.
This is not an article telling you how to manifest. I only have the barest clue. I've been thinking about this law of attraction business a lot lately and want to share what I have figured out - using my own life as a test case.
Lessons I've learned so far:
1. Be specific about what you want:
After writing down a list of "things" I wanted, within a few weeks I got three of the items; a new/used computer and water purifier for next to nothing and a food dehydrator for a trade.
2. Being specific may be too confining. Leave room for spontaneity:
I have been asking for travel and adventure and very specifically about a particular adventure to Nepal that I want to do in the next year. Funds for Nepal have not come, yet, but asking has brought me an adventure.
See #5 below.
3. Manifesting doesn't mean it will look like what we've asked for:
I really wanted a new cat in my life but until I had enough saved for potential vet bills I felt it was better to wait a few more months. When my friend, Karen, moved to a temporary home I offered to take her two cats. That was five months ago. I have gotten to really love my foster cats. The two grey tabbies and I have gotten into quite a happy groove together. It's a four way win (except when the 23 pound male takes half the bed and the female lies on my legs and my back aches in the morning from not flipping around in the night - but it's still worth it).
4. Just say yes:
Sometimes everyone benefits even if it seems one sided to you (i.e. selfish). There was a guy in my tango class who dropped out because the women were rude and wouldn't dance with him during the 1/2 hour practice time (well, one woman notably - it wasn't me). My dance budget had transferred to other types of dancing but I was really missing tango. He offered to pay for my classes if I would dance with him for part of the practice time. I almost said no since it seemed weighted more heavily on me getting the win (see selfish above). Thank goodness I didn't. We are both having so much fun being back in tango. Another win/win!
5. It's fun!!! And amusing and confounding.
So - I'm going to Cuba!! Weeeehaa! Tours of Havana, organic farms, clinics, and lectures about modern social issues while traversing the length of the island. For me, of course, it won't be all education. I intend to sneak out and do some salsa dancing too!!!
How did this happen? A retired couple in my extended family (my "aunt and uncle") have been leading reality ecotours to developing countries for decades. They offered a spot to my Dad on this upcoming tour. At 90, he doesn't want to do all the walking involved and offered me his paid-for spot.
What have I been asking for? Adventure and travel! Even though Cuba was not on my list it was partly because the list is long. Most of my best trips have been to places that it hadn't occur to me to want to explore. Who's to say that I won't end up traveling to all the places I have on my list AND get to go to unimagined places, too? Stay tuned...
For more about the company leading the Cuba tour, check out their website.
Our Developing World