InBodied Life
Transformational soul work using the body's language 



Healing Haiku 



Hawk's insistent cry  

Calls me forth from my slumber 
Now, my friend
now, now


Sally's photo 4.12
       Photo by Roberto

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New Class:


June 9, 2012
9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sacred or Scary?
Rohnert Park
Bring a friend, you come for half price ($48)






Lola, my stubborn dog friend,* and I have made our peace and are happily going for long walks while her owners are away. She taught me a great lesson in power struggles - sometimes it's easier just to let go than keep pushing against a lost cause.

That got me thinking about my power struggle with The Universe (for lack of better name). Maybe my struggles with the powers that BE is an apt termonology.

This morning I was dealing with bills and with fees - erroneous and otherwise and had a moment of anxiety about money. After several moments I noticed the telltale sensation of anxiety in my gut. It occured to me to really listen to my thoughts. They were pointing to my lack of trust that things ebb and flow and that the flow will return in plenty of time for bills to be paid.

So as the hawks reminded me, I remind you - wake up and remember to be in the now. Listen to your thoughts. They WILL affect how you hold your body, which in turn affects your emotions and your next thoughts. Once the wheel gets activated it is harder to disengage. You can get off the wheel at any point:
  • You can listen to yourself and change the thought
  • You can notice your contractions, and breathe into the area of your body that feels tense
  • You can observe your emotional state. Have you just started to feel unhappy? You can take a small step by just going back to the state before the unhappiness started creeping in. Saying, "Oh i should be happy" is unrealistic. It is possible to name one thing you are grateful for outloud or just look at something beautiful (tree outside the window) and just sit for one moment and take a breath.


At the physical, emotional or mental you can stop yourself and ponder if this state can be changed. 


Hint: The answer is always YES. Change the state in tiny increments and you will notice big changes in your ability to navigate the rougher waters of your life.


At least there will be less struggles with you and your Life.


* See newsletter 5/3/12 




Sally Churgel began studying Integrated Awareness® twenty years ago and was certified as a teacher in 1996. In 2011 she completed a one year training in Internal Family Systems work. Sally brings observation and listening skills to her healing and teaching that she  learned from 15 years of facilitation and 10 years operating a ropes course/team building company. She has offered private sessions in Australia and New Zealand. Sally sees private clients and couples in San Francisco and Rohnert Park, California.

Contact me at:

Integrated Awareness®, is a registered trademark established by IA® Founder, Lansing Barrett Gresham and owned by Truly Sane Human, LLC.